Litch Witch

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Autumn Love

Hey There…

I’m a little late to my stop on the Autumn Love sew along. October turned into a much busier month than I thought it’d be!

I worked on a lot of different things, a new coat for Lyla, new website, homemade costumes for the kids (Luke Skywalker and Han Solo for my boys. Then Lyla was a witch wearing my old costume my mom made for me as a kid.) and sadly the passing of my grandpa from my husband’s side.

We flew to Akron, Ohio where he grew up, stayed with family, and I took my sewing with me. I chose the house block from the Autumn Love quilt because I loved all the little features in it. The squirrels, pumpkins, and stars. I really liked the color scheme with Lori Holt’s ‘Autumn Love’ fabric, so I went with that. (I did do one of the stars with my Calico Crow fabric though.)

I sewed almost the whole time I was there, even in the car when we drove from place to place. Every time I’d look up out the window there was tree after tree just starting to change color, and cute house after cute house with pumpkins set out on the stoops. It all looked like the block I was sewing I thought. ^_^

The squirrels in Ohio are smaller than Colorado squirrels too, more grayish. I thought they were baby ones at first!

I loved the laughter from Grandpa’s sisters! The service was filled with lots of smiles and remembrance. It was great to hear how proud he was of his children and grandchildren, but to also hear that my sewing and art made him very happy and proud as well, I’m just glad I got to share it with him in the time I knew him. He was very much into technology and would e-mail me and liked to stay up to date with what I was posting online, which I was more than happy to share! He was an engineer and worked on things like guidance systems for intercontinental missiles, design of missiles and spacecraft tracking systems, and later became the Engineering Project Manager of a GE section in charge of developing computer programs for Navy projects. He had a dry humor and was able to weave a witty joke in conversation that’d take you (well at least me) a minute to catch!

I got caught up in adding little details as usual. ;P I felt it needed the stars and the chimney smoke. Little eyes and noses on the squirrels, panes in the windows. If I had more time, I’m sure I would’ve added even more!

So working on this Autumn Love house block seemed to come at the right time. I’m sad that I couldn’t share this project that I was working on with him, but I can still share it with all of you guys. =) I plan to turn this house block into a mini quilt to set out on the couch during fall time like I do with all our other holiday quilts. I change out the quilt so they each get a turn to be used. It has more meaning to it now than just a fall quilt, I think Grandpa would’ve liked that. ♡

